Responsibility and respect for quality and the environment

OAK’s services and the Oulu terminal have been quality-certified (ISO 9001) since 1997 and have held an environmental certificate (ISO 14001) since 2011.
We provide transport and earthworks services in accordance with statutory requirements and other regulations to meet our customers’ needs.
In transport services, we pay particular attention to punctuality and to ensuring that the customer’s goods retain the agreed quality. In earthworks, we pay particular attention to keeping to schedules and delivering materials that meet the customer’s requirements.
Our operations take our interest groups’ needs and expectations into consideration. We communicate with our interest groups to set quality and environmental targets for ourselves and our partners in cooperation, and monitor the results we have achieved.
Aiming at sustainable development
We are continually improving our operations by setting new, increasingly challenging targets. Based on the most significant environmental perspectives, we have specified a reduction in the consumption of fuel and energy as a key target for continuous development.
We strive to achieve the quality and environmental targets through quality assurance and training for staff and subcontractors. We take the environment into consideration in our operations, and thereby create a foundation for preventive environmental work.
We continually improve our employees’ competence and encourage them to participate in our environment and quality work.
We regularly review our operating policy and communicate with our interest groups.